I bet that caught your attention! What I am referring to however, is the fact that the Carrollton HIPPY camp has submitted a grant proposal! Just as exciting!!
For the last couple months, I have been working with Foundation Communities on developing a project plan for implementing a 20 family pilot HIPPY program there at their communities. Then just a couple weeks ago, we submitted the proposal! What a load off :)

"Foundation Communities is a nonprofit organization that empowers low-income families and individuals with the tools they need to succeed. Founded in 1990, Foundation Communities provides affordable apartments and duplexes to more than 2,000 families. We own 14 affordable housing communities‚ 11 in Austin and three in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area. We have also developed a model of service-enriched housing that enables families with low incomes to permanently improve their educational and financial standing.
It takes more than a roof over your head to make your dreams come true. We help families end the cycle of poverty through on-site programs that increase literacy and financial stability. Our Community Learning Centers, located right in the center of the community, are open daytime and evenings providing free services like a computer lab, pre-school class, after-school programs, teen clubs and ESL classes."
To find out more, visit their website! http://www.foundcom.org/
Fingers crossed everyone!